The Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary is a part of the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve near Mailani in Uttar Pradesh, India. It covers an area of 227 km2 (88 sq mi) and was founded in 1972.

Eleven years later, in 1988, when Dudhwa became a part of Project Tiger, the area of the Kishanpur Sanctuary was added to create the Dudhwa Tiger Reserve. About 1800 Barasingha are to be found in the reserve and majestic herds are especially seen in the grassy wetlands of the Sathania and Kakraha blocks.

Located 30 kilometers from the Dudhwa National Park with a stretch of agricultural land breaking the forested continuity is the Kishanpur Wildlife Sanctuary. Spread across 203 square kilometers, this sanctuary, like Dudhwa, is dense, riparian and covered with deciduous trees like sal, teak, and jamun. The tiger, chital, hog deer, wild boars, otters, and many more animals find themselves a home here. A huge number of resident and migratory birds like falcons, drongos, owls, egrets, and peacocks can be spotted in the open meadows, which is traversed by perennial streams.

There are excellent agricultural land is located between the two regions. The vegetation of Kishnapur resembles Dudhwa’s, along with wet deciduous trees and solid riparian forests like teak, jamun, and sal. While speaking about its open meadows, these are dotted with perennial steams and tals, attracts several bids and animals.

Several kinds of well-known mammals are available in these rich regions of this Terai. Along with this, it also allows you to spot numerous kinds of deer. It is frequently confused with an antelope, but deer include unique features and specifications that distinguish them from other kinds of these even-toed ungulates, which are otherwise known as hoofed animals.

Sambar is the largest Indian deer, measuring up to 150 cm till the shoulders and another 95 cm for its head and antler. Unlike the woolly coat of the barasingha, the sambar has a coarse, disheveled brown coat with a yellow or grey tinge. Females, however, are of a lighter hue. Sambar has six-pointed antlers. Rarely seen in large numbers, the male and female of the species are together only during the mating season.
Spotted deer or Chital has a beautiful white-spotted bright brownish-red coat and six-pronged antlers. These are one of the most beautiful deer pecies found in India. They are usually spotted in herds of 10-30 out of which only two to three are stags. The Hog-deer gets its name from its hog-like appearance and mannerisms, as well as its habit of keeping its head down while running. With antlers measuring around 30-35 cm on an average, the hog-deer has short legs and a stout built. An adult hog-deer has a rich, brown coat with a yellow or reddish tinge, while their young have spotted coats. They usually roam about in herds of about twenty.

Barking deer or Muntjac have a glossy chestnut coat and roam about in pairs of two or small family groups. They only come out in the open fields to graze and usually prefer to keep to the jungles. The height of an adult male barking deer is about 50 to 75 cm up to the shoulders with minuscule antlers.