Birding at Dudhwa

Bird checklist...

There are people who travel hundreds of miles to be able to look up at the sky and snare a sighting of some of the most uncommon species of birds.
These avian enthusiasts list every single bird they’ve seen and cringe at anyone who misidentifies warblers in the distance. Yes, birds are truly beautiful creatures that deserve your observation, attention, and compassion, and what better than watching them flying freely in the sky, migrating to and fro.

Dudhwa has a very rich bird life and there are over 450 species to be seen. The Tals of the Park are not only feeding grounds of the Painted Storks, Woolly Necked Storks or the Black Necked Storks but also are home to a large number of migratory birds in winters. The critically endangered Vultures are also residents of the Park along with another endangered bird-the Bengal Florican.

Winters are a special time for birdwatchers visiting the park, a large number of birds locally migrate from the Himalayas along with the Teals, Pintails, Pochards which migrate from the cold regions of Siberia.

Birds:- Swamp Francolin, Bengal Florican, Painted Stork, White-necked Stork, Barbet, Kingfisher, Minivet, Bee-eater, Bulbul, Cormorant, Duck, Geese, Hornbill, Asian woodpecker, Sarus crane, Egrets, Orioles, and Drongos.

The nights bring the Owls and the Nightjars tp the floor of the forest and the mysterious Chuk-Chuk’ of the Nightjar brings music to the silent forest.

Heaven for Bird's Lovers